Discover How Dr. Rich Castellano
Generated $3.4 Million In His Practice In 2017
And Is Up 60% The First Half of 2018
On Track for $5.4 Million This Year
... As A SOLE Provider
... With NO Insurance Reimbursements
... And How YOU CAN USE IT In Your Practice Too!
(Don't Worry... It Works Just As Well If You Accept Insurance :)
Join Us On Thursday, Sep 27, 2018 at 8:30PM Eastern/5:30PM Pacific
Now Learn How You Can:

Award-winning, double board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Rich Castellano (aka 'The Smile Dr.') turned everything he learned on the brink of bankruptcy (what works AND what doesn't) into a replicable, step-by-step system that now generates over $3 million per year for his practice ImageLift - as a SOLE provider - with NO insurance reimbursements.
And that is how, through thousands of hours of trial, error and testing - not to mention over a quarter million dollars (and counting) of training, consultants and coaches - the Practice Profitability Makeover was born!

Dr. Larry Fan
Plastic Surgeon
San Francisco, CA
“What’s amazing Rich, you revealed a fun and effective way to connect with my staff. We learned a lot and it has fundamentally changed my practice skills. They are so jazzed now we had 5 consults closed in one day! I know the cost of the Practice Profitability System is so modest for all your time and expertise. Loved the unique and smart scripts. It was very enlightening for me to remember the power emotion has on the care we give and that being genuine is the core of what being a doctor is all about. Thanks for being a great mentor and coach!"

Dr. Adam Schaffner
Plastic Surgeon
New York, NY
"I really didn’t think Practice Profitability MD would be worth my time (or money) because I didn’t think I would learn anything new. But the way you present it, your analysis, is very helpful. How you analyze problems and come up with solutions, that is your key strength. This will help doctors in their ability to function in their practice. To take things to the next level. Not just in good quality of care but to inspire staff loyalty. You make me want to be a better man, doctor, office mgr. You motivate me!"

Dr. Mark Berkowitz
Facial Plastic Surgeon
Detroit, MI
“I’ve been in practice for 22 years and my practice is already successful. But I figured, even if I only pull out a pearl or two, it was worth the price of the course. I was surprised to find so many invaluable pearls in what you teach. Calls with you on the phone are amazing. The biggest obstacle for me has been staffing. Getting staff involved is harder than it looks. What you teach about how you do your seminars is invaluable. So many pearls in your free seminar strategy. The time and energy that you put into it, it’s a well oiled machine. What do I think? I think everyone should be a part of Practice Profitability MD!”

Dr. Elbert & Dr. Jackie Cheng
Facial Plastic Surgeons
Saratoga, CA
"We were skeptical at the beginning because we thought we’d already heard all the strategies at the national meetings, what more can this add? Your approach is different and refreshing, and what works in your practice works in our practice too! Practice Profitability MD has been very transformative for our practice. Your course is methodical, high energy, and allowed us to energize the staff. Your gratitude and thankfulness comes across in everything you do, and it has inspired our office. This is helping us grow our practice. We are fully confident and super pumped!"

Dr. Rob Whitfield
Plastic Surgeon
Austin, TX
"I had so much going on, I just didn’t think I had time to join. Practice Profitability MD gave me a simple structure to take action and grow my practice. You’ve done a great job helping with what other people tend to be uncomfortable with - like being humble, selling yourself, putting yourself out there. Doctors often internalize problems and don’t always act on them. I just have to get out there and do it!"

Dr. Jonathan Kaplan
Plastic Surgeon
San Francisco, CA
"After sitting with my staff to go over the strategies from the [Practice Profitability MD] masterclass, I could see light bulbs going off in their heads. Based on your innovative suggestions, one thing we’ve really benefited from has been - the checklist. New ways to capture important info and making sure they do every item, every time. It makes my staff more confident they can say it so that people understand it. We have also found that we run into fewer misunderstandings with callers."

Dr. Amit Patel
Facial Plastic Surgeon
Lexington, KY
"Rich, I just wanted to let you know I’m doing great! I’ve loved learning from your first hand experience and being involved in a group of people, a community of doctors, all trying to push their limits. Taking a step back to work on myself has directly affected me in the office. Getting my team to work with me is becoming more and more seamless. I really feel my staff and I are starting to click. They are getting this “I got you” mentality and predicting my next moves. I absolutely recommend this to any doctor that wants a roadmap on how to build a success system. For me, the big thing was eliminating negativity."
Join Us On Thursday, Sep 27, 2018 at 8:30PM Eastern/5:30PM Pacific
Practice Profitability MD